About the Product :
Key Features of Mamypoko Diaper Pants:
- Mamypoko Baby Diaper Pants has a Crisscross Absorbent sheet that absorbs 7 glasses of urine & spreads it evenly
- Diaper does not get heavy because urine does not get collected at one place because of its crisscross absorbent sheet
- Mamypoko Pants has stretchable thigh support which prevents thigh gaps and hence prevents leakage
- Its breathable cotton-like cover prevents stuffiness even when used for long hours
- It comes in with Cute PokoChan Design
- It is easy to wear
How to wear Mamypoko Pants ?
- Pull the diaper up, like pants
How to remove Mamypoko Pants ?
Simply tear off both sides and pull the diaper down
How to clean ?
Enjoy effortless wiping with a unique one-touch box